Off-site Backups


We keep safe

Almost all businesses will store sensitive data as part of their day-to-day operations, from business critical financial data to customer information. While every sector will have its own regulations for how data must be stored, all businesses need to ensure that this data is properly protected: a breach could involve serious downtime for your business, a fine, or damaged reputation and the loss of your customers’ trust. We strongly recommend offsite backups as a highly secure, efficient, and cost-saving way to keep your data safe – contact us for more information on this.

Offsite backups offer several significant benefits for individuals and businesses alike:

  • Disaster Recovery: Offsite backups provide a safeguard against data loss due to natural disasters, theft, fire, or other catastrophic events that could affect your primary data storage location. Having backups stored offsite ensures that your data remains safe and recoverable even if your primary location is compromised.
  • Redundancy and Data Protection: Offsite backups serve as an additional layer of redundancy for your data. In the event of hardware failure, corruption, or accidental deletion of files, you can easily restore your data from the offsite backup, reducing the risk of permanent data loss.
  • Geographic Diversity: Offsite backups are typically stored in data centers located in different geographical regions, providing geographical diversity for your data storage. This helps mitigate risks associated with regional disasters or localized events that could impact your primary data storage location.
  • Compliance and Legal Requirements: Many industries have compliance and legal requirements regarding data retention and protection. Offsite backups help organizations meet these requirements by providing a secure and compliant backup solution that ensures data integrity and availability.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: While setting up and maintaining offsite backups may involve initial investment and ongoing costs, the potential cost of data loss or downtime far outweighs the expenses associated with implementing offsite backup solutions.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: Offsite backup solutions offer scalability and flexibility to accommodate growing data storage needs. Businesses can easily scale their backup infrastructure up or down based on changing storage requirements without significant upfront investments in hardware or infrastructure.
  • Accessibility and Convenience: Offsite backups can be accessed remotely from any location with an internet connection, providing convenience and accessibility for data recovery operations. This allows businesses to quickly recover data and resume operations in the event of a disaster or data loss incident.

Overall, offsite backups are an essential component of a comprehensive data protection strategy, offering robust data protection, disaster recovery capabilities, compliance adherence, and peace of mind for individuals and businesses alike.